13 Chilling Signs of a Psychic Attack You Must Recognize to Protect Yourself

Kurenai Takahashi
4 min readMay 30, 2024


The telltale signs of a psychic are essential for one to notice when an unseen force is at play, practice recognising them at all times

Psychic attacks are more common than you might expect, remember that headache you picked up from being around a crowd. That’s a psychic attack in itself

Even the most unintentional energetic debris, attachments, or negative energies around someone you shook hands with can leak to you

So not all psychic attacks are essential, but the most devestating ones usually are

Some psychic attacks are the result of being in the wrong place at the wrong time, think Séances, haunted houses, graveyards, etc

Some people are less intuitive than others, the gap between their conscious and subconscious is too high that they cannot perceive energetic attacks yet witness years of ill health, blocks, and accidents

However a psychic attack may make itself noticeable in various ways

1. Dreams

Psychic attacks may first make themselves apparent in the dream state allowing for an early detection, as if your divinely built spiritual system has its own alarm detection system

2. Elephant on your Chest

The feeling of a huge weight on your chest is very characteristic of psychic attacks, as if a concentration of etheric weight has been attached to your chest

3. Sense of Fear and Impending doom

A psychic attack is usually heralded by a sense of impending doom, its as if before making itself apparent to a non-psychic, it must first appear in the subconscious and be sensed or heralded by those with psychic abiltities

4. Nervous Exhaustion

Feeling a loss of energy, exhaustion, or tiredeness? That could indicate the attack is progressing, and in many cases no medical tests show any reason for the intense fatigue

5. Spiritual Bruises

In many cases, those who have astral skirmishes with negative entities may awaken to find bruises on their physical body, as if the physical body responds to anything that the subtle body has been exposed to. Some have seen the print of a goat’s hoof (I myself have seen entities shaped as goats in the astral too), well defined bruises, ace of clubs, or other strange markings

6. Evil Odours

Different spirits in the spirit realm may manifest differently, some benevolent ones may manifest with sandalwood or Jasmine while other more nefarious entities, usually the demonic, may manifest with smells of sulfur, rotten eggs, or decay.

7. Insect or Mould infestations

Ants, rodents, or other insect infestations may indicate the presence of negative energies in a household, if you have seen this sign repeatedly then it can be a sign of psychic attacks

8. Strange sounds and knocking on the Door

At times entities may literally announce their presence by knocking on the door at strange times of the night or as random sounds in the house. Do not be alarmed and definitely do no open the door, those who have may invite very nasty etheric creatures into their homes. Needless to say in serious cases such as poltergeists, there may be a multitude of sounds or even fires with no apparent causes

9. Random Accidents and Financial Trouble

People facing psychic attacks may experience intense periods of car accidents or electronic devices malfunctioning. Plumbing or drainage issues in the house too or almost anything that is going to be costly to fix

10. Constant Arguments with a partner or family members

Entities may may make it their target to spread miscommunication or arguments among family members living in one home, this is a strategy in itself to spread more negativity in the environment

11. Sleep Disorders

Since sleep is essential to a healthy aura, entities may target it to specifically casue your line of defence against them to be weakened. Lack of sleep or not enough sleep can make you a target. If you are experiencing sleep paralysis, restless leg syndrome, or any other issues troubling your sleep. You might as well be targeted

12. Social Withdrawal

Those who are under psychic attack may suddenly find themselves withdrawing from society altogether, even thought they were very sociable at other times of their life. This is also a sign that entities are targeting that individual

13. Severe Physical and Mental Health conditions

In severe cases or cases that were left untreated for long periods of time, the prana or vital energy may be depleted by such attacks to a degree that health issues may appear in certain organs, strange pains, constant migranes, or even constant mood swings. As a rule of thumb, ignoring these things barely helps and not believing in them is like thinking fire won’t burn since you don’t believe in it

If you or your loved ones are suffering from psychic attacks, contact me on FB for a free spiritual diagnosis and cleansing session that might just shine light on how much unseen influence there is on your life

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Kurenai Takahashi

I specialize in healing psychic attacks, spirit attachments, and negative energies. Discover transformative shamanic practices and spiritual wisdom here.