Psychic Attacks from Your Lousy Micromanager Boss
Continuing on my last story about energy vampires and how they don’t necessarily need to be trained in the occult, and they can subconsciously be a negative influence on those around them
I am recounting now a story that Dion Fortune mentioned in her occult stories
Dion was a young woman around 20 when she first started her corporate job, and needless to say working in the legal field is quite competitive
Her employer a woman that had lived in India for a long period of time hence had absorbed much of the occult culture there,
She was very selfish and self centred, she would stare people in the eyes and spew the most ridiculous insults and ad hominem attacks you can imagine, calling people worthless, etc
At one point, she was competing with another manager and she tried to collect some evidence to throw dirt on them
She looked Dion in the eye while telling her why she thinks this other manager is a bad person and Dion found herself agreeing with the manager and she felt completely exhausted, as she left her feet felt strange
Her astral body was likely disturbed by the attack
Fortunately, Dion had a diary where she recorded the incidents and she was completely shocked how she had agreed with her employer during that hypnosis spell, apparently a technique the manager had mastered
Later on she tried to repeat her maneuver but this time Dion did not have a diary to fall back on and she agreed with most of the auto suggestions that this manager used on her
When she tried to escape this toxic work environment, her boss repeated these same words while staring her in the eyes
“You are incompetent, and you know it. You have no self-confidence, and you have got to admit it.”
To which I replied, “That is not true. I know my work, and you know I know it.”
However, she entered a young healthy girl but left a sick mentally wrecked girl with an illness for 3 years
Yes that is how potent and energetic attack can be on your system, psychological affirmations did not stop the attack
she could hear voice in her inside telling her that she would be broken if she succumbed to these hypnotic suggestion her boss sent out
Her field of vision started narrowing, characteristic of hysteria
walls of dareness almost closing down on her field of vision, Dion says she knew that would be the end of her if they did close down
A deep voice called to her, that she should pretend she is broken before she really is and the attack would stop
she went and pretended to be broken and asked her boss for forgiveness only for her vitality to return back
How many times did hateful energies in corporate cause you illness, mental fatigue, and other symptoms
I will make sure to go in depth about the signs of the attacks and my guide on defending yourself from such attacks
If you or your loved ones are suffering from psychic attacks, contact me on FB for a free spiritual diagnosis and cleansing session that might just shine light on how much unseen influence there is on your life
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